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Becoming a member of City Church Marietta is a way for you to communicate to us that you love and follow Jesus, call this your home on Sunday mornings, and are an invested member of the body of Christ alongside us. If you've been attending City Church for less than a year and would like to become a member, the first step is to attend Welcome to City Church. This environment is offered on select Sunday mornings after church (with lunch and childcare provided) and is a great way to learn more about the history and calling of the church, make connections, and discover various ways you can get involved.
If you have been attending City Church for more than a year, are very familiar with our Calling and ministries, and feel connected to our church body, you do not have to attend Welcome to City Church and can proceed to the next step of reading our Doctrines.
After attending Welcome to City Church if you'd like to become a member of our church, we will ask you to read our Doctrines so that you have a grasp on what the church believes to be the core teachings and aims of the Church. Once you have read these, you can register to become a member of our church by filling out the form below.
Before you do, please read the important information below.
Membership is not required in order to regularly attend and participate in the life of City Church. It also does not bring about or produce Salvation. Membership is an expression of a commitment (in cooperation with the Holy Spirit) to the following:

·Professing faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as well as following Him as your Teacher by seeking to understand and obey the Will of God in the Scriptures. Please listen to this message from our James series if you are unsure about your response to this statement, James Week 3.
· Regularly participate in corporate worship on Sunday’s
· Contribute financially to the ongoing work of the church
· Serve within one of our current ministries
· Join in the process of being discipled through our various ministries
· Pastor them as they journey with Jesus
· Care for specific needs as they arise
· Pray regularly for the life and health of the church
· Equip them for the good works God has created them to do
Ultimately, membership is a mutual commitment between the leadership and members of this church. In a world of ghosting and lack of commitment, we believe this is an important step to take..
If you would like to become a member, please indicate your understanding of these commitments and your willingness to honor them by accepting below. Once you fill out the form, one of our Elders will also reach out to ensure that each of our members is known by our leadership, if they are not already.

Become a member

Marital Status
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