Bringing life to the broken places in our hearts, homes, city and world.
Global Partners
We believe the Cross of Christ alone brings life to our brokenness, and we are called to carry this message to the ends of the earth. Because of that, we desire to partner with people and organizations that are carrying out the Great Commission to every tribe, tongue, and nation. The Lord has led us to serve and partner with two specific groups, and we have provided some basic information about each of these partners below.
YoungLife International UK started its first areas in Sidmouth and Honiton in the late 90's when praying adults formed a committee and invited YoungLife International to hire its first full time staff. It has grown steadily from there with areas in Hertford, Hoddesdon, Welwyn Hatfield, Southampton, Surrey, and several in London. The vision is actually pretty simple: go where the Lord leads and help partner with local churches and other ministries to reach as many young people with the gospel as possible.
City Church supports two families in the UK, the Hunter’s and Alford’s, who serve with YoungLife International. Along with financial support, each year we aim to send a team of people to serve for a week that helps them create a day camp for middle and high school aged students who are far from Jesus.
Imagine never fully understanding the truth of John 3:16. How hard would it be to grasp the depth of God's love and sacrifice for you if you don't think he speaks your language? That's the reality for over a billion people worldwide who have little or no access to Scripture in the language they best understand. Of the more than 7,000 language communities in the world, more than 1,300 of them-representing more than 50 million people—do not have a single verse. And having a Bible in the national language, or language of wider communication, isn't enough. People's understanding of biblical concepts falter, and their connection with God is hindered. Only when they experience biblical truth in words that resonate deep down can they embrace their new identity in Christ.
As a Bible translation organization that believes God's Word is living, active, and relevant for all people, in all cultures, for all time (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Peter 1:23-25), Seed Company partner’s with local translators and other translation organizations to see God's Word transforming lives, in every language, in this generation. Since 1993, they have engaged over 2,000 language communities-representing more than 2.2 billion people-with heart language Scripture. When people have access to biblical passages in the words they think in and dream in, they finally understand that God knows and loves them. One by one, they realize their communities, their lives, are part of something greater-a holy narrative.
City Church is honored to support the extensive efforts in Bible Translation that the Seed Company undertakes.