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By checking the box on the registration form, I (the person listed at the top of application), apply to City Church Ministries, Inc. to participate in the activity described and indicated above (England Team 2024). I acknowledge and agree to, and represent, the following for myself, in consideration of the opportunity to be provided by the Church (contingent upon its agreement to my participation).


Acknowledgment of Risks. I acknowledge that participating in the England Team 2024 involves risks of serious damage and harm to persons and property, and even death, and I assume those risks, including risks arising from acts or failures to act of the Church.


Information Relied on by Church. I am in good health and sound mind. If necessary, I have discussed or will discuss with my physician my participation in the England Team 2024, and have received or will receive any vaccination or other recommend prerequisite medical treatment my physician deems necessary. I will participate in the England Team 2024 only if I have received my physician's approval, if I deem it necessary, and believe that I am able to participate without harm. I acknowledge that the Church will not assess or approve my fitness for participation. I am under no force or duress of any kind to compel my participation in the England Team 2024 or my submission of this document.


Release. THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED TO ABSOLVE THE CHURCH OF ANY LIABILITY TO ME THAT IS RELATED TO MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ENGLAND TEAM 2024. Accordingly, I hereby release the Church from, waive, and will never sue the Church for, any damage (whether damage to or loss of property, finances, life, body, mind, or emotions), cost, suit, demand, claim, or other liability, that arises or is alleged to arise from or in connection with my participation in the England Team 2024. Such liability includes any liability that arises or is alleged to arise from the Church's negligence (but not its willful and wanton misconduct). Such liability also includes any liability that arises or is alleged to arise from claims for contribution by another that I have sued or from whom I have received compensation.


Medical Permission. I give my permission to be treated for illness or injury sustained while participating in the England Team 2024, including by the administration of emergency anesthesia or surgery; and authorize the adult leaders of the Church to act on my behalf in ordering such treatment.


Definitions. (a) References to "me," "my," and "I" shall include and bind myself,  and any insurer, heir, estate, legal representative, executor, administrator, successor, or assign of me. (b) "Participation" or "participating" in the England Team 2024 includes planning and preparing for, traveling to, and traveling from, as well as participating in, the England Team 2024 (c) The "Church" includes (i) its affiliates, and institutions cooperating here and abroad; (ii) the trustees, elders, deacons, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents of the Church or such affiliate or institution; and (iii) the spouses, insurers, heirs, estates, legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, estates, and assigns of any of the fore going.

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